EXANTE Promotes Diversity and Inclusion Across the Global Communities

EXANTE Promotes Diversity and Inclusion Across the Global Communities

On September 11, 2019, EXANTE’s Communications Director Patrick O’Brien hosted the 4th annual iGaming Idol Awards in St Julian’s, Malta.

In his speech, Patrick O’Brien told the audience about EXANTE’s granular approach to all local operations. Having a strong foothold in the EU and Asia, we get involved with the social activities and charitable organisations and contribute to the local communities.

‘The core of our business is our clients. Like many of them, we are aware that to live in a diverse and equal world, companies like us must support initiatives which give back to others, be it in the environment, mental health, sports or humanities,’ stated Patrick O’Brien.

Major enterprises like Microsoft, Google and Apple have already adopted ‘diversity and inclusion’ as a strategic priority for their head offices and international branches. Aiming to promote diversity across the global communities, EXANTE’s Communication Director has spearheaded a joined programme with the Maltese government. The programme encourages EU businesses to embrace diversity and inclusion and benefit the local social and cultural ecosystems. 

Taking the lead as a diverse and socially responsible business, EXANTE employs 350+ people across the globe and works closely with the non-profit and non-financial organisations in the key economic hubs.

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