Exantech CEO on Prediction Markets at Barcelona Trading Conference 2019

Exantech CEO on Prediction Markets at Barcelona Trading Conference 2019

Last week, Barcelona gathered a wide number of crypto enthusiasts together in one place called the Barcelona Trading Conference (BTC) to spotlight the most promising blockchain-related trends in the short&long-term perspective.

While stablecoins were the initial focus of the event, the BTC conference also paid special attention to prediction markets technology.
Denis Voskvitsov, the Chief Executive Officer of Exantech, a company that developed storage for VEO coins called MyVeoWallet and Telegram-based VEO exchange bot, shared with the BTC attendees his vision of how blockchain-based prediction markets may impact our future and how this technology is changing the modern world today.

Voskvitsov pointed out four major roadblocks along the way that interfere with the adoption of prediction markets:

  • lack of trust;
  • lack of transparency;
  • interferences by providers & limitations;
  • high costs.

Read the full article on Medium.

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