What is EXANTE?

What is EXANTE?

About us


EXANTE is a global trademark shared by a family of brokers licensed individually by the FCA (UK), MFSA (Malta), CySEC (Cyprus) and SFC (Hong Kong) with a footprint extending across 20+ global locations including London, Cyprus, Malta, and Hong Kong. The EXANTE trademark is solely owned and licensed by XNT LTD. XNT LTD has granted use of the EXANTE trading name and branding to EXT Ltd., XHK Ltd. and LHCM Ltd.


The EXANTE trading platform provides instant access to 50+ financial markets and instruments available from a single multi-currency account. Our platform services professional traders, brokers, asset managers, banks and other financial institutions.





  • Access to 50+ markets in the US, Europe, Asia and Australia

State-of-the-art technology

  • Manual service for trading OTC bonds and exotics

  • Benefit from shorting, cross margining and margin trading

  • 600,000+ instruments accessible from a single account

  • Network of 1,100+ servers all around the world to ensure the lowest latencies and safe data transfer


This article is provided to you for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any investments or related services that may be referenced here.

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Created by professionals. For professionals.
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