EXANTE Supports COVID-19 Relief Charity in Malta

EXANTE Supports COVID-19 Relief Charity in Malta

Naomi Zammit, Office Manager at the EXANTE Malta office, began working at the Invisible Hands charity as part of the EXANTE COVID-19 volunteer initiative. 

She runs social media accounts for Invisible Hands, helping them achieve a goal of daily food delivery to 1,000 people. Currently, it’s a group of 253 volunteers working with the elderly and people in need during the COVID-19 crisis in Malta.

Naomi contributes one hour a day to this initiative while keeping her full pay. She raises visibility of this new charity and encourages people to sign up their elderly neighbors, parents and friends. Naomi says that helping others makes her feel good.

EXANTE launched the COVID-19 volunteer programme on April 9, 2020. Now, highly-skilled, tech-savvy, multilingual admin/support teams can spend up to two days a week working for web-based COVID-19 volunteer projects, while keeping the full pay.

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