EXANTE presents: "The Process of Trading" by Akil Stokes
EXANTE and TradingView presents: Akil Stokes reveals his trading process during an exclusive webinar on May 11, at 7:00 PM CEST (1:00 PM EDT). Akil Stokes - a skilful trader who has adopted the Kaizen philosophy of "continuous improvement" to his trading process. Since 2012, Akil mainly focuses on the currency markets and heads forex trading at Trade Empowered.
During the broadcast you will be able to:
- get acquainted with Akil’s trading experience,
- learn about multiple timeframe analysis,
- discover what stands for I.P.D.E. process created by Akil and
- get to know the latest news from EXANTE and TradingView.
Check out Akil’s TradingView profile
Webinar will be hosted by Maria Goncharova, representing EXANTE company. TradingView will be presented by Stan Bokov, company's COO.