We will tell you how to invest in cryptocurrencies

Why you should not fear the cryptocurrency hedge funds, how to get the maximum from the digital assets growth and what today’s micro-trends can become tomorrow’s boom – on September 10th EXANTE CEO Alexey Kirienko will answer these and other compelling questions. During a panel discussion at the Crypto Monday Moscow event he will talk about practical aspects of EXANTE hedge funds, how our investors earn on it and the methods by which their success can be repeated. And you can come to listen it for free.
Crypto Mondays are a series of gatherings launched in January of 2018 by the New York based Crypto Oracle fund. Crypto Mondays are regularly hosted in some 30 cities worldwide and provide an opportunity for crypto enthusiasts to get together. By the way, the conference will take place at a tasty an unusual venue – Gadget Studio – the first ever gadget restaurant in the world. Participation in is free. Please register for the event here.
When should you invest in cryptocurrency through the hedge fund? What strategy to choose to achieve aggressive or balanced results? How soon can we trade forward contracts as easily as we trade oil futures? While Alexey is preparing for his speech, we suggest you to write us your own questions on the topic – we will pass them on. What would you like to know about cryptocurrency hedge funds?
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