EXANTE to visit Czech School

EXANTE to visit Czech School

Základní Skola Orlová-Lutyně


EXANTE’s Communication Director Patrick J O’Brien will visit Základní Skola Orlová-Lutyně, a school situated in an industrial part of the Czech Republic in Northern Moravia near the city Ostrava next week.

He will present the Principal and the teachers with a letter from the President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, in gratitude for the gifts the students made whilst studying English in Malta as part of an educational project.

The school educates over 300 pupils from the age of 6-15 years where pupils excel at sports, art and sciences. Their educational program called “Moving, health, creative mind” has given students the opportunity to learn and educate themselves on a vast array of topics.

“I am thrilled to have the opportunity to visit this school and to show the students a little of what Malta has to offer”, stated Patrick J O'Brien.

 “We at EXANTE have always believed in the cross cultural focus. As we expand our offices in Europe, who knows we might be looking at some of the financial gurus of our future”, he added.

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